Radon Testing

Professional Radon Testing

EverGreen Radon is a certified mitigation contractor and licensed to operate in Utah. We can assist you in determining whether the radon levels in your property require mitigation if you are buying a new house and need a reputable, certified radon mitigation company.

The U.S. Surgeon General’s Office advises doing radon tests in your home every two years and repeating the procedure whenever you relocate, make structural changes to your home, or occupy a previously unoccupied level of a building. If you have a radon level of 4 pCi/L or more, take steps to remedy the problem as soon as possible.

Test your home to protect your family

Make sure the radon mitigation system in your home is functioning properly if one already exists. To ensure that their Radon levels are below the advised EPA safety thresholds, every homeowner should test their home at least every two years. Whether you need a system installation or inspection, contact us today to find the proper solution for your radon gas testing service.

Quality work and attention to details

We always respect our clients, and we will give you our undivided attention in helping you with your radon mitigation needs. We guarantee our work, and we will finish your job in a timely manner. If you require a Radon test, give us a call or fill out the quote request first. Find out how our qualified experts can assist you. In order to offer you the greatest radon mitigation services, we are NRPP-certified, fully insured, and stand behind our work.

*For complete guarantee/warranty information, call us.

Schedule a Consultation or Call: (801) 870-1417